A Simplified Outline of Meals and Advice for New Lowcarbers

The blog below is updated with new comments and recipes we link to.
For "THE EZ LOWCARB OUTLINE", start at "Introduction" below and click through the chapters. :-)
EZ-LowCarb Outline:

1 - Introduction to EZ-LowCarb

2 - The First Two Weeks

3 - What Matters Most

4 - Where to Get Help

5 - Breakfast Meals

6 - Lunch/Brunch Meals

7 - Dinner/Supper Meals

8 - Important Supplements

9 - Entertaining

10 - Kids

11 - Treats

12 - Basics: How many carbs, protein, etc.?

See also:: On the sidebars are several lists of links, such as for more Low-Carb Recipes, Blogs, Supplements Info, Forums and Email, Science, FAQs, etc.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Introduction to EZ-LowCarb

What's all this we hear about low-carb eating improving health and reducing bodyfat? Does it really work? If so, how? And how can I do this for myself or family? Is there a simple outline I can follow?

Welcome to LowCarb!

My name is PJ, and many of my friends and I have been very successful with lowcarb eating. We have noticed that unlike most "diet plans," lowcarb doesn't have such a "simple" approach. There are no points to count, or frozen dinners, or pre-packaged envelopes. And in a world addicted to the sugar from grains and fructose, it's not easy for new people to figure out what to eat.

There are books on lowcarb, but many are based on science, and can be a bit complicated. There are lowcarb cookbooks, but many require hard to find ingredients. And there are lowcarb forums online, but sometimes that is way "too much" information.

Some people don't want to know much about the science, at least not up front; they just want to know, "What can I eat, to start right now?" and a simplified overview about any basics they need to know.

So we thought it would be neat to make a blog that had only this:

  • an overview of a few basics (how, why, science, and getting help if needed)

  • good advice from a variety of successful lowcarbers who have "been there, done that" about what is hardest, easiest, and most important, and

  • a bunch of meals made with "basic foods" that anybody can whip up to feed themselves and family

In short: enough information that any person following this could successfully hold to at least one month on lowcarb.

That is long enough to finish the 'detox' period, long enough to kick the cravings for sugar/carbs, long enough to shift into ketogenic "fat burning" mode, long enough to drop the artificial water-bloating so many suffer from eating so many carbohydrates, and long enough to lose some fat, too.

It's also long enough to actually see and FEEL the improved difference in energy, health, mental clarity, body limberness, and satiation that doing lowcarb properly can provide.

After or during that first month, we hope you will "expand your horizons", and use the resources we provide to find great books from scientists and medical specialists about this, great websites and blogs, and more.

During your first month, if you have questions, see the "Where to Go For Help" post. There's lots of people with lots of experience who are happy to answer any question!


LowCarb eating has been so successful for so many people in improving blood readings, reducing or eliminating insulin for diabetics, releasing bodyfat for obesity, and many other positive results, that it gets great "word of mouth" popularity.

But the media treats it like a strange fad, don't they?! Do remember that the media is financially supported by the junk-food and medicine producers for advertising. Don't believe everything you see in the papers (or TV, etc.). "Eating real food," which is most of what lowcarb comes down to, is not odd! It is not common junk-food, that's true, and it's not sugar/carb-infested food that will gradually ruin your health (and in many cases, add inches to your tummy or hips), but that's a GOOD thing -- that's why we eat this way! :-) It's not as popular as McDonald's. But neither is great health as popular as extra fat and illness. We think you and your body will find that "real food" makes you feel better and look better too.

My friends and I have sometimes seen people "say" they went on lowcarb and it did not work for them. They were wrong: they weren't really following low-carb. They thought they were. Their ignorance ruined the effort, which is a real shame for their health, but also for lowcarb's reputation. Do it yourself, and do it correctly!, as an experiment. Just one month should be enough to see what it's like. If you don't like it after one month, do something else! ...but we think you will. :-)

We want to make it easy for people to know "enough to get them going for awhile" until they feel better and lose some weight and are inspired to explore the subject further. At which point, we hope you will read some of the books we recommend!


Happy Lowcarbing,

PJ Age 42. She lost 140 lbs, as well as "lost" her asthma, allergies, acid reflux, acne, brain-fog, exhaustion, and helplessness thanks to Lowcarb eating! She has a blog called The Divine Low Carb.

Other contributors go here

1 comment:

OhYeahBabe said...

Just found this blog - I realy like the concept. Thanks for doing it! You rock!